Amethyst Class 2024 - 2025

Miss Rochell - Gill

Year 4/5 Teacher
Maths and Geography Lead

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Welcome to Amethyst Class!

I have been incredibly impressed with how well the children have embraced the changes of our class and settled in to new routines and friendships.

This half term is a super busy one filled with lots of exciting new learning and of course the countdown to the festive period!


Please note: this half term, our PE slot will take place on FRIDAY with a forest school session on MONDAY. Children need to be appriopriately dressed for forest school, including a change of socks for when the wet weather sets in.

My PPA will be covered by Mrs Tomlinson on a Monday morning and she will cover, Maths including arithmetic skills and Forest School with Mr Weston.

We are also very fortunate to be joined by Mr Richards. He will be working with small groups of you in our maths lessons across the week! 


You can follow our learning journey via our school twitter account @LittleLeighSch and our facebook page, where I will post updates and pictures.


If you need to discuss anything with me, please don't hesitate to contact me on my school email

Miss Rochell-Gill, Mrs Tomlinson & Mr Richards

This half term in Geography we will be answering the question...

'How does global trade impact the world?'



Within this unit of work we will develop our geographical and analytical skills whilst building on knowledge from previous year groups.

Within our unit we will aim to learn:

What is global trade?

What does the UK import and export?

Where do we get most of our food from?

What is it like to work in a factory?

How do goods travel?

What is ethical trade?


As Writers...

Our writing will focus around the beautiful book 'The Lost Happy Endings' written by Carol Ann Duffy.


'If it were not for Jub there would be no happy endings, none at all. But one night, on her way to make sure that every story told in the world ends well, Jub is caught by a wicked witch who steals all the happy endings.

In the best tradition of fairytales, everything works out well in this wonderful inventive story by Carol Ann Duffy, gloriously illustrated by Jane Ray.'


Our outcome will be to re-tell the story with an alternative ending or character.



As Readers...


Our Shared reading lessons this half term will focus on the 'The Train to Impossible places' by P.G Bell.


Suzy is surprised to find a grumpy troll building a railway through her house - especially when a gigantic steam train crashes into her hallway! This is the Impossible Postal Express, the trusty delivery service of the Union of Impossible Places, and Suzy becomes its newest recruit. And with her cursed first package, an Impossible adventure begins.

Welcome to the Impossible Places Where there's fuzzics not physics, where adventure meets magic and where the journey will never, ever take you where you expect it to.


As MAthematicians...

This half term we will focus on:

  • Multiplication and Division facts related to learning our times tables
  • Written methods of multiplication and Division
  • Perimeter and Area




As Scientists...

This half term Y5 will: This half term Y4 will:
  • Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object.
  • Identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces.
  • Recognise that some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.
  • Classify objects based on the effect of friction on a variety of objects.
  • compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases
  • observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C)
  • identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature
  • Observe water condensing and evaporating over time.
y3 forces max.jpg



During the week, all children take part in several whole class reading sessions. Within these sessions we read a variety of extracts, chapters from stories and often work on our inference skills using video clips and images. These sessions aim to develop inference skills, comprehension of texts and fluency/understanding of the texts we read. 

In KS2 we strongly encourage that children read three to four times a week. These sessions must be recorded with a short comment in their reading diary. Each week, children are able to earn five 'Home Reading' dojos which count towards a visit to our school reading shop. 




Homework is set every Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Thursday. Maths homework will be set on TTRockstars with Spelling tasks being sent home in Spelling homework books.

I will be checking reading diaries each Friday.

If you have any issues regarding the homework set then please contact me via my school email and I will do my best to help resolve the issue.

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Little Leigh Primary SchoolShutley Lane,
Little Leigh,

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01270 360035

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01270 360035


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