School Policies
Files to Download
Parent Consent Form for Administration of Medicine on Residential Visits.pdf Debt Policy.pdf Collective Worship Policy.pdf Prevent strategy - information for parents.pdf Parent Code of Conduct Anti Bullying Policy.pdf Accessibility Audit Anti-extremism & Radicalisation Policy.pdf Visitors and Volunteers Code of Conduct .pdf Relationships Education and Health Education Policy.pdf Child on Child Abuse Policy.pdf Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs (inc. Chn with health needs who cannot attend school).pdf Staff Code of Conduct CLT March 2024.pdf model-publication-scheme March 2024.pdf Suspensions and Exclusions Policy CLT March 2024.pdf Whistleblowing Policy CLT March 2024.pdf CLT Freedom of Information Publication Scheme March 2024.pdf Complaints Policy CLT March 2024.pdf CLT Data Protection Policy March 2024.pdf Mental Health and Well Being Policy.pdf Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs LL Behaviour Policy Trial Period Summer 2024.pdf 2025-26 Admissions and Arrangements Policy.pdf Safeguarding Policy Framework LLPS Sept 24.docx CLT Health and Safety Policy September 2024.docx equality-statement-clt-march-2024.pdf.pdf clt-first-aid-policy-february-2024-updated.pdf.pdf charging-and-remissions-policy---june-2024.pdf.pdf Working together to Improve Attendance Policy 2024.docx EYFS Policy June 2024.docx CLT SEND Policy.pdf CLT Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy.pdf CLT Health and Safety Policy Sept 24.pdf CLT Equality Statement March 24.pdf CLT ECT Policy July 24.pdf CLT Menopause Policy July 24.pdf