Ruby Class 2024 - 2025

Miss Oldknow

Year 1 Teacher
PE and Design and Technology Lead



Ruby Class!

Welcome to our Year 1 class page!  Here you can find all the relevant information about what your child will be learning this half term.


Happy New Year! 

I hope that you have all enjoyed some well deserved time off over Christmas, enjoying the festivities with family and friends. I can't wait for us to get started with new learning in the next term ahead.


On our Year 1 class page you will find all the information about our class topics, class news, events, daily routines, homework and dates for your diaries. I will also regularly share the Year 1’s fantastic work on our Twitter and Facebook pages as well as on Seesaw, so please follow us to keep up to date with everything we are learning about in school. 

This year, Mrs Fernyhough will be teaching the children every Tuesday afternoon. She will be teaching the children Music, PSHE and RE.

PE sessions are a little bit different in Year 1 and we ask that children come into school IN their PE kits. Our PE days for this half term are on a Monday and Tuesday, so please remember to come in your PE kit during those days. As some PE lessons may be outside, please can the children wear warm PE clothes during the winter months.  

As always, if you need any more information please don't hesitate to ask!

Miss Oldknow, Mrs Fernyhough and Miss Stepan.


Spring 1


 As Writers ...the-lion-inside.jpeg


Our text this half term is The Lion Inside, by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. 

We will be working towards writing a story about a small animal (mouse) who befriends a large animal in the Aftican Savannah.

Mastery Keys:

- Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, some question marks and exclamation marks.
- Join words and clauses using and.
- Some accurate use of the prefix un-. 
- Add suffixes where no change is needed to the root word e.g. -ed,  -ing, -er, -est.



As Mathematicians... 




This term in Maths the children be learning about: 

Place Value (within 20) 

Addition and subtraction (within 20)

The WhiteRose app on Apple and Android have some great games to practive maths skills that we are practicing in school.



As Geographers...

hot and cold.jpg

In Geography this term we will be answering the question 'What are the hot and cold places in the world?'

We will be looking at:

  • Name and locate the world’s seven continents
  • Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles
  • Use world maps, atlases and globes to identify continents
  • Identify seasonal weather patterns.
  • Use simple fieldwork and observational skills.



As Artists...

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 In Art this half term we will be using and exploring water colours.



As scientists ...


In science this term we will be learning about 'Animals including humans'.

We will be focusing on:


  • Identifying key parts of the human body
  • Identify name and label parts of the face
  • Identify which part of the body is associated with each of the senses





Every day Year 1 will have a phonics lesson. At Little Leigh Primary School we follow the Essential Letters and Sounds scheme of work.  





Throughout our time in Year 1, we will be taking part in local walks around our village and down to the canal. This will take part four times throughout the year. We will be looking for signs of the different seasons and analysing what changes we can see as the season changes. This will link to our Science and Geography learning, allowing us to take part in field work, map skills, looking at human and physical features and plants. 



Online resources:



Here you will find a fun phonics game where the children have to select the letters to make the words using their phonics sounds.


Here you will find different games where the children have to read and sort the real and nonsense words.


Here you will find information and resources about the different phonics phases.


Here you will find different video’s for home learning, revising all the phonics sounds.


Here you will find phonics videos that are very useful for pronunciation of sounds.


Here you will find a  great selection of games to support all areas of learning.


This half term our PE sessions will take place on a Monday and Tuesday. Please can your child arrive to school in their P.E kit on these days. 

During the winter months, it is advisable for the children to bring warm clothes such as tracksuit bottoms as sessions will continue outside where possible.


Within school, all the children take part in whole class reading sessions, guided reading sessions and individual reads. These sessions aim to develop word recognition, inference skills, comprehension of texts and fluency/understanding of the texts we read.  Our inviting reading area with quality texts will allow the children to independently develop their love of reading during quiet reading times.  

In KS1 we encourage parents/guardians to read with your child at least 3 times a week and record a short comment in their child’s reading diary about that reading session. They will have the opportunity to change their reading book every week.   


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Change For Life
Stonewall School champion
Green Tree School Gold Award
School Games Platinum Award: 2023-2025
Arts Council England: Artsmark Award
Youth Sports Trust: Silver Quality Mark-2013/2014
Lottery Funded Logo

Find Us

Little Leigh Primary SchoolShutley Lane,
Little Leigh,

Contact Us

Mrs Rebecca Challinor | Head of School

01270 360035

School Office |

01270 360035


Little Leigh Primary School is proud to be part of the Create Learning Trust

Proud to be part of Create Learning