Onyx Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Norris
Year 6 Teacher
Deputy Headteacher
Key Stage 2 Lead
English and Curriculum Lead
A very warm welcome to the Onyx class page!
We have lots of exciting learning ahead of us this year! Year six is not only the last year for our children to enjoy their time here at Little Leigh, but also very important in preparing them for their journey onwards and upwards to high school. The Year 6 children hold many different roles of responsibility and leadership, as the oldest children in the school. Our aim is that they leave us as responsible citizens, confident individuals and successful learners. I am sure they are going to do a wonderful job in being excellent role models for our younger children.
In addition to myself, we will be joined every morning by Mr Richards. Mrs Tomlinson will be taking the class on a Thursday. Our PE sessions are on a Tuesday and Thursday so don't forget to come to school in your pe kit on that day!
If you have any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact me. Please keep checking Twitter and Facebook to follow our learning!
Miss Norris
Autumn Term
As Writers...
This half term we will be using the text 'The Place For Me - Stories about the Windrush Generation' to inspire our writing. This book presents 12 moving tales of sacrifice and bravery, inspired by first-hand accounts of the Windrush generation. This story will lead to range of writing outcomes, whilst building up to an information text about a period in Black history.
As Readers...
In our shared reading lessons we will explore a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts linked to our English work around the Windrush Generation. Through our reading sessions we will develop our word reading and comprehension skills. These texts are rich with vocabulary and will help us develop strategies to be proficient and confident readers as well as supporting us to develop our subject knowledge.
As Geographers...
In our Geography lessons, we will be looking at the polar region of Antarctica. We will be answering the key enquiry question: 'What makes Antarctica unique as a continent?' In this unit, we will learn about where Antarctica is and how it compares to other continents. As well as this, we will learn about the weather and climate and the key physical and human characteristics of Antarctica. Finally, we will look at the wildlife and how certain species have adapted to live in the harsh conditions. We will finish the unit by creating a final outcome in our discovery books.
As Design Technologists...
In our DT lessons this half term, we will be exploring textiles. Using a combination of textiles skills such as attaching fastenings, appliqué and decorative stitches, the children will design, assemble and decorate a mobile phone case.
As Scientists...
Our focus for this half term is 'Animals Including Humans.' This unit will cover the following:
- identifying and naming the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood
- recognising the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function
- describing the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.
As Mathematicians....
This half term the mathematical concepts Year 6 will be covering, will be:
- Order of Operations
- Fractions
- Converting units of measure
Click on the links below to practise at home:
BBC Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
I See Maths - https://www.iseemaths.com
Maths Playground - https://www.mathplayground.com/grade_6_games.html
Topmarks - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/11-14-years/number
NRICH - Maths at home - https://nrich.maths.org/14580