At Little Leigh we aim to support our families in ensuring all children achieve 'good' attendance (at least 96%). Good attendance has been highlighted as a key factor in children making good progress and achieving well. We work closely with families where their child or children have low attendance or are a persistent absentee (90% or lower attendance) to overcome any barriers to good attendance.
The Government has changed legislation (in August 2024) to make any leave of absence from school (unless there are 'exceptional circumstances') an unauthorised absence. Holidays during term time are deemed to be unauthorised absences and may lead to a fine. Please contact the school if you need to take your child out of school for any reason and we will discuss this with you.
The NHS provide useful guidance on how to decide if your child is well enough to attend school which can be accessed here.
Our Trust and School policy on attendance can be accessed below for further information.