Sport and Physical Education
PE at Little Leigh Primary School:
It is our mission to provide consistent, high-quality Physical Education lessons across the school, in order to improve pupil confidence, enthusiasm, physical literacy and competition. We want to enable all children at Little Leigh to grow into active, healthy adults who understand the importance and benefits of exercise, sport and personal well-being.
In addition to Physical Education lessons, we strongly believe children should have the opportunity to be physically active across the curriculum. Teachers at Little Leigh Primary School plan and structure lessons that premote active learning.
Please click on the file below for a more detailed view of our curriculum.
For further information, please contacy Holly Oldknow or Joshua Coleclough - / .
Extended School Provision
We understand the importance of offering an array of sport clubs that are fun, challenging and engaging for both KS1 and KS2 children. We offer a range of clubs using Little Leigh staff and some recognised, DBS approved, specialist coaches.
Children across KS2 receive swimming lessons for 10 weeks in the year. The school use the sport premium funding to ensure top-up swimming lessons are provided in upper KS2.
Data 2022/23
87% of Year 6 children completed 25m in two or more strokes.
Year 5 and 6 children have received training in safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.