Pearl Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Lloyd
Reception Teacher
Miss Hackney
Reception Teacher
PSHE and RE Lead
Welcome to Reception!
But our updates don't stop there! Also join us on Twitter (X) and Facebook, so you can see regular pictures and videos of what we've been getting up to in school.
PE - Please provide your child with a labelled P.E kit for them to bring into school. Their P.E kit will be kept in school and returned home at the end of each half term. Reception PE session is on a Friday morning.
Forest SCHOOL - Every Monday, the children will have a Forest School session led by a Forest School Leader. Please can your children come into school in appropriate clothing for Forest school. If possible, please can you provide a pair of wellies to be kept in school. Therefore, the children can come in trainers/school shoes on Forest School days and change into their wellies that are kept at school.
If you have any concerns, questions or queries please feel free to contact either fo us via email - or
Miss Lloyd and Miss Hackney
At Little Leigh Primary School, we follow the Oxford Owl Essential Letters and Sounds phonics, which teaches children to learn the sounds different letters or combination of letters make. We will recap all the sounds we have learnt in Autumn and Spring.
Children are encouraged to read at least 5 times a week, for around 10 minutes with an adult at home. Where possible, we would appreciate a comment in their reading diaries to let us know how your child is getting on. We will change your book once a week.
Your child will also participate in a weekly individual reading session, these will be noted in their reading diaries. We recommend that you read through them a few times so that they have a good understanding of the words and the comprehension aspects of the book. This also allows them to gain confidence as their reading will become quicker.
To help with comprehension, you may want to start with a discussion about what your child thinks the book will be about. You could also talk about the characters and explore the blurb. When you have finished, ask questions about the book. This will help you assess whether your child has fully understood what they have read.
If you feel that you require any further support with getting the most out of reading with your child, please don’t hesitate to come and speak to me.
Things to do at Home
Things that you can do at home to help your child are:
- Please encourage your child to dress themselves for school and take their uniform off at the end of the day to promote independence. Focusing carefully on zips and buttons.
- Read 5 x weekly and update your child's reading record with a comment. Books will be changed once a week. Please return you reading pack on a Monday.
- Question your children on the pictures in the books you are reading
- Reinforce the sounds learnt in phonics sessions.
- Encourage basic addition and subtraction at home when eating grapes or playing with Lego pieces. Ask children: how many are there altogether, in two groups, how many are left when some are eaten.
- Encorage children to ask questions
Recommended websites: - very useful for pronunciation of sounds - lots of free phonic based games more phonics games - great selection of games to support all areas of learning
Please can you make sure that all of your child's belongings are clearly labelled with their names, including items such as snack pots and drinks bottles.
The Growth Mindset
Finally, the growth mindset plays a huge part in our learning. This mindset allows us to change our language to change the outcome. Hopefully it won't be long before your children begin to use the langauge 'I can't do it YET' and 'mistakes make my brain grow!' Here's a little video to explain it a little more (your children will become very familiar with Mojo!)
Thanks for taking the time to read our page!
Miss Lloyd, Miss Hackney and the team.