Personal Development


Statement of Intent

Personal Development Education is much more than a school subject. Children learn skills and attributes to help them stay healthy and safe, and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.  PSHE and the wider personal development links are a key way that we ensure  pupils are receving a wide and varied curriculum that is relevant to the lives they live today whilst also preparing them for the future.

The Government's statutory safeguarding guidance for schools: Keeping children safe in education; statutory guidance for schools and colleges (May 2016) states that: 'Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure children are taught about safeguarding, including online, through teaching and learning opportunities, as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. This may include covering relevant issues through personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), through sex and relationship education (SRE)'.

The National Curriculum (September, 2014) states that all schools: 

  • Must provide a curriculum that is broadly based and balanced and which meets the needs of all pupils
  • Promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of all pupils at the school and society
  • Make provision for PSHE education, drawing on good practice across the education sector. 


Statement of Implementation












At Little Leigh Primary School, we provide a broad and balanced Personal Development curriculum with the aid of several programmes of study. You, Me, PSHE helps staff to deliver a comprehensive and progressive PSHE curriculum. We have adapted this clear and progressive PSHE curriculum to fit the needs and goals of our children. You, Me, PSHE has seven strands to be taught throughout the children's time at Little Leigh Primary 


Within each strand, there are age appropriate topics for each year group from Year 1 to Year 6*. One topic is taught per half term. Each topic consists of three lessons per half term where teachers deliver a series of lessons based on the overall learning intention and specific learning outcomes. It is important to note that we will not be delivering the Sex and Relationships Education as prescribed in You, Me, PSHE. We will continue to deliver our SRE through the Christopher Winter Project, which we have been using for several years. It is imperative for us to continue using this platform to ensure that the learning is aligned for each group, which is then built upon each year.  Where SRE is stipulated in Years 2, 4 and 6, the teachers will deliver the Christopher Winter Project. In Years 1, 3 and 5, they will teach the SRE in addition to the You, Me, PSHE curriculum. For more information on the Christopher Winter Project delivered in school, please clilck here. 

Assessment has been included as an integral part of each topic. At the beginning of the topic, pupils complete a pre-topic assessment activity, which is then repeated at the end of the topic. This enables both pupils and teachers to understand and demonstrate the progress made. Pupils will also complete a self-reflection activity at the end of each topic. This encourages self-evaluation and relfection on learning within each smaller PSHE topic.

* As Reception is not included as part of the You, Me,PSHE programme a bespoke curriculum has been created which covers key skills and topics that the children will address throughout the year. 

In addition, we also highly value No Outsiders (Andrew Moffatt) to ensue that children are given opportunities to discuss and engage in activities surrounding diversity and equality for all. As you will see from our long term plans, staff will use 5 texts across the year which are age appropriate and allow the children to further their own thinking about society in later life. Please click here for more information regarding the No Outsiders curriculum. 

Our RE curriculum is also on our long term plan. All children follow the Discovery RE scheme of work. Our RE has SMSC and British Values woven through each of the units delivered. Please see our RE page for more information regarding this - click here. 

Year Group Overviews

















Please see progression documents for each of the strands at the bottom of the page.


All year groups take part in a weekly class assembly that touches on national days of awareness. The class assemblies are brilliant for ensuring that conversations and vocabulary is age appropriate and can therefore have meaningful discussions in the safety of their classrooms.  All children also have a whole school RE assembly every other week, which is delivered by class teachers on a rota basis. This brings awareness to the children about key celebrations within religions and broadens their awareness of other cultures and beliefs. Please find our long term assembly plan in the files below. 


Statement of Impact

To monitor learning in Personal Development, all classes use Book Creator to compile evidence from all areas of a child's school life which evidences Personal Development. These are updated on a regular basis and are shared with parents at parent's evening. A sample of pupils' discovery books from each class will be collected and progress checked from an RE perspective. Evidence may also be found on the schools' Twitter page, @LittleLeighSch, or on the school's facebook account.   The subject leader (Jo Proctor) will focus on certain units to ensure that particular strands are developed in each year group with a clear sense of progression from Reception  - 6. The subject lead will also take a selection of pupils to gather a sense of pupil voice about the children's own feelings and thoughts regarding the delivery of Personal Development. Drops ins and learning walks will take place at planned points throughout the calendar year (January - December). 

For further information, contact  Jo Proctor

Files to Download



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Little Leigh Primary SchoolShutley Lane,
Little Leigh,

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Mrs Rebecca Challinor | Head of School

01270 360035

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01270 360035


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